Fishing For Customers With Unlimited Web Hosting Offers

I’ve posted this in “Business Environment” because web hosts have to be responcible not to cheat on their customers.

I just responded to a forum post where the community board member said “This host I’ve found has no limits on space and bandwidth. PHP,mySQL,FTP,cPanel. And no Ads!”. What I did is to go to the provider’s website and to read its Terms of Service. And take a look at what did I find in the TOS. 

“Even though the aggregate bandwidth you may use is not limited, your web site must be used primarily for the display of HTML, PHP, or CGI pages. All use of web site space shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set forth herein. — retains the authority to restrict your website as to file types and size, and to restrict transfer rates or amounts.”

The above paragraph is a good example that anyone have to read the Terms of service that web hosts list on their web sites before sign up. I know it is boring and time consuming but what do you prefer to loose 30 minutes reading of something insted of choosing a company that might harm your website business?

About the Author

Dimitar A.
Dimitar is founder of the global Cloud & Infrastructure Hosting provider & European Cloud IaaS company RAX. He has two Decades-long experience in the web hosting industry and in building and managing Cloud computing infrastructure and IT ecosystems. Dimitar is also political scientist who has published books "The New American State" and "The New Polity". "The New American State" is one of the best current political books. It is focused on the change of the American political process. It offers a perspective on how the fourth industrial revolution, also called the Digital Revolution and Industry 4.0, marks the beginning of an era of deterritorialization.