28% of all spamming bookmarks I have received in web hosting social network Hosting Bookmarks within the last 2 months came from GMail users. The only domain that sent more spamming or junk bookmarks was Yahoo. But this is not something that should make Google happy. Because is Google is becoming…
the new den of junk content senders. Google definitely needs to do more to fight outgoing spam and junk content senders. The Search engine probably does a good job in protecting GMail users from inbound spam. But at the same time Gmail domain is a starting point for millions of spamming messages that flood the web every day.
Here are very few of the Gmail accounts that sent spamming or junk content to Hosting Bookmarks: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
You can add these emails to your list of spammers and junk email senders. If you wonder how do spammers bypass GMail spam filters read “How Spammers Bypass GMail Spam Filters“.
Compared to Yahoo, Gmail obvious does better job to prevent spamming and junk email. But Google needs to find a solution on another problem – the emails accounts scammers create with GMail only to use them as identification (Email ID) to join social networks. Once they get connected to social networks they start aggressively flooding members with various junk messages and email.
It is the same with any social website that allows users to submit articles or other content. No one can afford to ban GMail users and to require its new members to provide branded email account. GMail is trusted trademark and I know many people who use it even for business purposes. But it would go the way Hotmail gone 5 years ago – to become a spammers heaven.