SEO Delusions?

seo-delusionsToday I have offered some help on Search engine optimization to a friend of mine. His website’s Google page rank dropped to PR2. I have suggested him to work with me on some interesting ideas, which would result in producing quite unique and interesting publications, that I expect many people to like. I have also said to him that he shall persuade editors of some of the quality daily and weekly editions which cover web hosting industry to refer his website in the appropriate sections in their web hosting media.

“I know it works best when a link back is provided as part of actual content on another resource. Not under “Sponsors”, “Advertising”, “Affiliates” or even “Links”, “Recommended sites” headings – but part of an actual website material”, said my friend in his response and gave me a topic to write about.

A Good SEO. I Don’t Know What Is This?

It is true. I don’t  know what does SEO really is and how does it work. However, I know that there is no precisely defined SEO methodology. So the most important thing every owner of a websites shall do is to follow W3C standards, to produce unique interesting news, article, photos and video files which are interesting and useful for target group of readers, users consumers or whatever they are.

It is a widespread delusion that Google, Yahho, Bing or any other Search engine will discount any hyperlink  reference that is not part of the website content. By saying “website content” people usually mean a body of article, blog post or any kind of text presentation. Most site owners consider any reference sections titled “Links”, “Partners”, “Other Websites”, “Sponsors”, “Blogroll” (in blogs) or any other similar titles as something outside the website content. This understanding “website “content”!

Content is everything on the website which is placed between the “Body” tags. The only things that matters is what people put on their websites. So ask yourself the question “Are my images, text, video files and anything I have placed on my pages  genuine and useful for my website visitors?”. This is a good question! If the answer is “Yes” and if it is true, then you have a Search engine optimized website.

I can assure you that even advertising banners can be genuine, authentic and relevant to the website’s content as long as they provide useful information to the site’s visitors.

I have my 11 referral hyperlinks on Daw blog placed in section named “Links” (Probably have to rename it…) and none of them is paid listing. None! When I want to feature someone who has paid to get featured I’ll say that they have chosen Daw Web Hosting Blog to advertise their product or services and will express my gratitude! I believe this is the best way to help your advertisers! The worst to do is to try to mislead your website visitors by hiding the advertising in those parts of the website that anyone might consider as “part of article’s content”!

You know that many of the top ranked websites on popular web hosting related keywords and phrases such as “web hosting”, “website hosting”, “cheap web hosting”, “web hosting reviews”, etc. are buying links on the footer of WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and other web design templates in order to boost their search engine rankings. For some reason this SEo strategy works. It is guerrilla style of marketing, but it works.

I don’t suggest you to do this! I have sighed who is the web hosting company that hosts my blog, but it really hosts the Daw blog. So the reference link is true and genuine. So… no troubles.

At the end of this article I want to say that the Search engines punish link trade and irrelevant commercial linking which aims to spam the SE algorithms, not hyperlinks placed as reference in any part of the websites. There is no way any Search engine to ignore the organic linking. It is essential for the Internet communication. The links that are relevant to the website’s content work fine, no matter where they are.

About the Author

Dimitar A.
Dimitar is founder of the global Cloud & Infrastructure Hosting provider & European Cloud IaaS company RAX. He has two Decades-long experience in the web hosting industry and in building and managing Cloud computing infrastructure and IT ecosystems. Dimitar is also political scientist who has published books "The New American State" and "The New Polity". "The New American State" is one of the best current political books. It is focused on the change of the American political process. It offers a perspective on how the fourth industrial revolution, also called the Digital Revolution and Industry 4.0, marks the beginning of an era of deterritorialization.

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